Thursday, August 28, 2014

Premium Video Content Now Available

Things are kind of fluid on my new web sites but I finally have a clearer picture of what I want to do.

I prefer to make my handicapping videos for you. It's easier to explain what games I'm playing and WHY. I think that's what sets me apart from other internet blowhards. I explain why I make a pick. I look for my models AND other available data to lead me to valuetown.

Well, I finally figured out a method to create premium video content. I'm uploading the first one shortly.

All of my premium handicapping content will be on You can access the content on a daily, monthly or yearly purchase. I will still post my plays on twitter, but subscribers will get them earlier and in detail.

My results videos will be posted daily and will be available to everyone.

I hope to have an improved solution for the daily fantasy lineups as well.

Stay tuned for more info. Thanks for checking my stuff out!

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